Thursday, July 23, 2009

Free Compliments!

I'm at Parish Cafe working on my book with my writing buddy, Laura. Since it started to drizzle, we moved from our patio table inside into the too cool air conditioning. Good thing I brought my favorite (although holey) cashmere sweater. But, back to the point...

Today's newspaper is lying on the big farm table where we are now camped out with our computers. An article caught my eye and inspired me to immediately halt progress on my book and write a blog post about it. It made me happy, and I want to share the warm fuzzy.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, two Purdue University undergraduates, Brett Westcott and Cameron Brown, started complimenting students every Wednesday on their campus outside the chemistry building. They noticed how encouraged people seemed by their efforts, so they kept at it. (I for one, could have used some compliments after I left my college chemistry class.)

A U-tube video of "The Compliment Guys" went viral, and now they are on a 10-city bus tour sponsored by Kodak. How nuts is that? I love that even though they have corporate sponsorship, they still use a handmade sign that says, "Free Compliments." (I'm all about handmade. No glitter though. Well, they are boys.) Since they are helping people to look on the bright side of life, they've named their trip, "The Bright Side Tour."


  1. I love it! That is so great, more positive energy out in the world!
    I also love that you have a writing buddy and are working on a book! :)

  2. There's that cosmic, spiritual, natural world, karma, aura stuff at work again! I visited the web-site. Amazing! Do I see that "one little candle" at work here? I believe so. So, never hold back a smile or laughter. You never know who might need it. Especially someone wearing a (holey) cashmere sweater. :-)

  3. hi kathianne,

    thank you so much for taking the time to read my rerun post and leave such an encouraging comment. so appreciated!!!

    "working on my book" sounds very cool. i went to a literary luncheon where 3 new authors spoke (link at my blog) and it was incredibly inspiring!!!


