Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Miracle Day

What a difference a year (or two) makes.  

Days before Mother's Day in 2009, my first and only pregnancy ended in the emergency room.  Mother's Day was a painful reminder of what I was not.

Last year, I went to our IVF clinic early in the morning and awaited a call from the doctor.  After shots and procedures, we were hoping for a miracle.  What were the odds that the test was scheduled on Mother's Day?  I was certain it was a positive sign.  It wasn't.  Our hopes and $20,000 lost.  Not pregnant.

This year, a miracle.  As I type this, I am looking at our beautiful baby girl.  She is sweeter and more lovely than I ever dreamed.  She may not have my genes, but somehow she has my eyes.  Her name means "little girl prayed for."  She's the answer to years of prayers.  And I am so blessed to be her mama.  

If you are facing challenges and losses on your way to motherhood, I understand.  The wait seems interminable.  Each month waiting to take that pregnancy test feels like forever.  And then the devastation when the damn thing reads "Not Pregnant."  And everyone around you is getting pregnant- even those who aren't trying!  And every commercial talks about babies, or motherhood, or pregnancy.  But know this:  your baby will find you.  But it will be on his or her own terms and timeline.  Somehow, someway, your baby will end up in your arms.  And the long wait will make you an incredible mother.  You won't take a moment for granted, you won't sweat the small stuff,  and you will be grateful everyday for the little blessing in your life.  And you will experience the miracle that is motherhood.     

Friday, April 8, 2011


I'm a bit embarrassed by how long it has been since my last post.  Yikes!  I don't know how mommy bloggers do it as this new mommy can't seem to find time to blog (or be crafty for that matter.)  I am blissfully busy taking care of my sweet pea.  But as Baby Girl is getting bigger I anticipate that I will find the time once again.

I did want you to know that I am alive and well.  And I also wanted to share a photo I took this week during our trip to Atlanta.

I was at my sweet friend Emily's home for an impromptu reunion with the Crafty Chicks, when someone wrote Mama on my cup.  It was something so small, but it made me so incredibly happy.

It's been almost 4 months, and I am still over the moon.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Embracing Winter

I feel incredibly blessed that I am now living in Dallas.  The forecast this week is sunny and mid-50's.  But for many long winters, I wasn't as fortunate.  For a girl who isn't a fan of cold weather, somehow I survived a total of 32 long, dark, and freezing winters in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Massachusetts.   So when I was interviewed by NCB reader and WorkAwesome writer, Sarah Nagel, on how to stay healthy, happy, and energized during the winter, I felt I had a lot of experience to draw from.  Here's the interview:

The article was picked up by LifeHacker too, so you can read the tips here in a different format:

Stay warm my dear readers and let me know your tips for embracing winter!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Worth the Wait

She didn't come when I wanted,
but she was worth the wait.
She didn't arrive how we expected,
but there is no doubt she was destined to be ours.
I wasn't the vessel,
but I was the destination.

Teeny baby girl, 
you made my dream come true.
I am your mama.
And I love you.
