I've written about my pregnancy loss before, but I have not told you the whole story. Until now. I chose not to wait to tell people about my pregnancy, but my sister did. I wanted to respect her desire to tell the world on her own timeline.
My sister (who is almost a year and a half older than me) called in March to tell me she was unexpectedly, although joyfully, pregnant. It was tough news to handle, since I'd been trying for 5 unsuccessful months by then. Perhaps it was selfish of me to feel that way, but feel that way I did. As it turns out, I didn't have too long to worry about that. I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks later. We were both so excited to be having babies at the same time! I had visions of a double baby shower, play dates together, and future vacations with the children.
We both experienced early bleeding in the beginning of our pregnancies. We had a lot of worried calls to each other and we both ended up having ultrasounds on the very same day. Our ultrasounds were 1 hour apart from each other; hers in Philly and mine in Atlanta. She called after hers to tell me they heard the heartbeat. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to report happy news.
Fast forward 6 months to my trip last week to visit my family, including my sister. She is now very much showing. She looks adorable pregnant. Absolutely adorable. And while I am happy for her, her happiness is also linked to my pain. She is a visual reminder of what I lost.
It didn't bother me when my best friend got pregnant unexpectedly for the 3rd time or when my good friend here in Atlanta got pregnant unexpectedly, both while I was trying. But a relationship with a sister is different. It's very strong but it's also complicated. I'm sure this will make us even closer at some point in the future. I'm sure that I will be able to look back one day, after I have my baby and be fine with all of this. I will know that this pain has made me stronger and more compassionate. I will hold my daughter in my arms and know she was worth the long wait. But right now, as I make 30 invitations for my sister's baby shower, I'm fully aware that I am not there yet.