Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Would Your Obituary Say?

I think it is safe to say we were all shocked my Michael Jackson’s recent passing. And Farah Fawcett on the same day!

Did you know that news agencies write the obituaries in advance for celebrities? They have to be prepared. This got me thinking. What would my obituary say?

Now, before I continue, I feel a need to acknowledge some people may think it is morbid to talk about death. I disagree. The reality is that we will all die some day. Hopefully it is later, rather than sooner. Fortunately or unfortunately, we don’t know when that day will come. By acknowledging that our time here is finite, we can continually make choices to take advantage of each precious day we have.

I hope to create my life so that my obituary will read as follows:

Kathianne Sellers Williams touched many lives through her work, writing, and art. She had countless loved ones and all knew how much she loved and valued them. She grew spiritually throughout her whole life and conquered her self-imposed limitations. Kathianne left the world a better place than if she had never existed and inspired others to do the same.

What would your obituary say?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tough Questions

A lot of people come to me for advice. Maybe it's because I've read countless self-help books. Maybe it's because I watch Oprah. Or, maybe it's because I have a lot of training and experience in coaching and counseling. I'm not sure. I'll admit, I don't always have good answers. But, what I do have is usually more important: good questions.
Before you can create the life of your dreams, you need to be really clear on what those dreams are. It takes real courage to look inside. Here are some tough questions (that along with your gut feeling when you ask them) can help you live with authenticity. Just taking the time to write down your answers will start a powerful process.

What are your dreams, goals, values, and desires? Be open to whatever answer comes to you. Don’t censor yourself. See what feels right and what thoughts make you smile. What are you excited to pursue? Be careful not to get sucked into what other people think is right for you, or what you think you should value or desire. Next, ask yourself if right now you are moving towards or away from your goals, dreams, values, and desires.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Let's Get Crafty: Love Sender Note Cards

I’ve had my blog for almost two months, and until now I have not lived up to my promise to get crafty and creative with you. I’ve been posting my words and artwork to inspire you but long ago I discovered that nothing does it for me quite like a fresh sheet of paper, new markers, glitter, and a glue stick. Being creative is so nourishing to the spirit!

I also happen to think that sending and receiving mail is one of life’s great joys. Opening that mailbox and finding a card or letter sent to me “just because” makes my day. Text, email, and even a phone message just don’t have the same emotional impact. I have been fortunate to be on the receiving end of ‘just because cards’ countless times. My sister is wonderful at this.

But, as the saying goes, it is better to give than to receive. And, I am a big believer that what you send out (via the cosmos or US Postal system) comes back to you. Sending out cards and warm wishes through the mail is a little pleasure of mine. Buying and making stationery is one of my things. (After all, I did have a tiny handmade stationery biz at one time.)

The Love Sender stationery embodies this philosophy for me. Plus, it is super cute and super easy to make! Keep reading for instructions.....

Here we go:

(Feel free to take a look at the photo and go for it. You can’t really mess up and, if you are a visual learner like me, the directions just seem to make it more complicated.)

  1. Cut 8” x 11” cardstock into 4 even pieces. Using a paper-cutter is best to get straight and even lines. You can buy precut cardstock if you don’t own or want to invest in a papercutter.
  2. Draw a horizontal rectangle using thin black marker centered on the top of your card. (It doesn’t matter which way you hold the card. Use your preference.)
  3. Draw the envelope flap (a V that comes together below the heart and reaches to the top corners of your rectangle).
  4. Draw the bottom 2 lines of the envelope (from mid-flap to each bottom corner.)
  5. Draw a heart in the envelope flap and color it in with pink or red marker.
  6. Write the words, “Love Sender” below your envelope.
  7. Add glitter to your heart if that makes you feel special. Otherwise, leave it as it is.

You can buy plain white or colored envelopes for your cards. Tying together 6 cards and envelopes together with ribbon, makes the cutest little gift.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bikini Ready

If summer has you stressed about being seen in public in a bikini, you need to keep on reading. My friend Angela, at CurvyLife.com, writes a wonderful blog that promotes body acceptance. She has written an inspiring and courageous post called Facing Down the Bikini. Read it right before you head to the next pool party and feel empowered to strut your stuff.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Que Sera, Sera

If my life had a soundtrack, the theme song would be Que Sera, Sera. For those of you who are not familiar with this 1950’s classic or who do not read Spanish, that translates to: what will be, will be.

When I was in college, I was frequently anxious. This anxiety overcame me when I took any kind of math or science exam or had a big track meet. Before organic chemistry or biochemistry exams I was a mess. My parents would try and calm me by phone the night before an exam or meet by saying, “all you can do is prepare well, get a good night’s rest, and do your best.”

I have a distinct memory of walking to a final exam one cold winter day. (It was bitterly cold- I went to the University of Minnesota.) To try and calm my anxiety, I would sing the chorus of this song to myself: “Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see. Que sera, sera.”

If you’ve been following my blog, (or even just read my last post, The Date of the Century), you can see that worry and patience are reoccurring themes for me.

Last week, I was in the restroom of Cafe Alon when my song came on. It hit me then: this song is the theme song of my life's soundtrack.

Even though it has been 12 years since I graduated from college, I still remind myself: Relax Kathianne. All you can do is prepare well, get a good night’s rest, and do your best. Because, after all, whatever will be, will be.


Something to ponder: What would the theme song for your life be? If you feel comfortable sharing, please let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Date of the Century

I haven’t posted in almost a week.  Lo siento.  I was in Mexico having some QT with my husband.  We try to unplug on our vacations- no computer or cell phone for a week.  It was glorious.

I promise you though,  this post is worth the wait. 

About five or so years after college graduation, I met an incredible man.  Even before our first date I described him to a friend as, “the date of the century.”  It was a whirlwind there for a few weeks.  The problem was that 6 weeks after we met, I was moving out of the state and going to graduate school.  What was going to happen?  Would we be able to sustain this relationship long distance?  I was worried and my twenty six year-old infatuated mind could think of little else.  These questions about my unknown future weighed me down and grew as my move date loomed.  

During that final week together, I happened upon an antique bookstore in the middle of a full-on worry session.  I perused the books and picked one off the shelf: West-Running Brook by Robert Frost.  I opened the book and gasped.  There was nothing on the left page.  The right page held only the following words:


Let the night be too dark for me to see 

Into the future.  Let what will be be.

I bought the book right then and there.  Please indulge me while I recap for dramatic effect.  I was worried, I walked into a bookstore, pulled one book of the shelf and the ONLY writing on both pages was a quote that spoke directly to my worry and gave me peace. It was the first time in my life I felt God was speaking right to me.

I pull that book off the bookshelf now when I start to worry.  It reminds me that someone is looking over me.  It reminds me that worry is pointless because what will be will be.

In case you were wondering, fiat knox is Latin for “let there be darkness”.  And yes, I married “the date of the century” a little over four years later.  
