Thursday, January 27, 2011

Embracing Winter

I feel incredibly blessed that I am now living in Dallas.  The forecast this week is sunny and mid-50's.  But for many long winters, I wasn't as fortunate.  For a girl who isn't a fan of cold weather, somehow I survived a total of 32 long, dark, and freezing winters in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Massachusetts.   So when I was interviewed by NCB reader and WorkAwesome writer, Sarah Nagel, on how to stay healthy, happy, and energized during the winter, I felt I had a lot of experience to draw from.  Here's the interview:

The article was picked up by LifeHacker too, so you can read the tips here in a different format:

Stay warm my dear readers and let me know your tips for embracing winter!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Worth the Wait

She didn't come when I wanted,
but she was worth the wait.
She didn't arrive how we expected,
but there is no doubt she was destined to be ours.
I wasn't the vessel,
but I was the destination.

Teeny baby girl, 
you made my dream come true.
I am your mama.
And I love you.
