Are you feeling lucky? I hope so because one lovely NCB reader will win a $70 gift certificate to 200+ CSN Stores!
I've been scouring the CSN sites and here are a few items on my wish list for our new Dallas home: retro kitchen tables, luxury bedding, colorful throw pillows, and a stainless steel cookware set. I'm sure you will find something (maybe shoes, bags, or yoga supplies?) that will make your home or closet bloom!
It's easy breezy to enter: All you need to do is write a comment by midnight (EST) September 6th. The comment needs to be ON THE BLOG (not on Facebook or via email). The winner will then be announced shortly after the contest closes. Be sure to check back to see if you are the lucky winner!
Thanks for reading and good luck!
Note: The gift certificate does not include shipping costs but many items in the stores have free shipping.
And last but not least: a big thanks to CSN Stores for sponsoring our giveaway!