Thursday, October 22, 2020

Remembering to Take Baby Steps

I have a lot of ideas/plans/goals swirling around in my head lately. So many in my head, competing for time and attention and leaving me feeling overwhelmed. Then my urge is to retreat; to take a nap, walk Disco, or create some art. These are usually great activities for my well-being, but don't really serve me much when I use them as an escape (verses a quick recharge.)

One of my goals has been to update this blog. And to return to writing and sharing my voice/insight/knowledge/self. So this morning I spent at least 90 frustrating minutes trying to get my fancy new logo to work on here. But it's been so long since I've written, that I forgot a lot of the Blogger functionality. And even then it's not really an intuitive system. I started feeling overwhelm. Retreat was tapping on my shoulder. But just then, the thought came into my head that I should just write a small post. Just get started somewhere. Take a baby step towards my goal.

And that is when I remembered this post, Taking Baby Steps to Big Changes, that I wrote so many years ago. I reread it and felt impressed with that 8-year-ago version of myself. Sometimes I wonder where she (and her wisdom and moxie) went. But deep down, I know she's still in here somewhere. I have faith that I'll find her again. And that I'll eventually get that fancy-dancy logo on here. I just need to remember to keep moving forward. And keep taking baby steps.


  1. Yay! Welcome back. XO

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. It feels good to be back.

  2. Girl! You are the epitome of moxie! And I totally can relate to the need for baby steps. I have to take baby steps just to get out of bed. I have a project right now that I can’t seem to get motivated to do. I’ll take baby steps today to get it started!

  3. Thank you for the comment, Dear Jackie! I'm here for you when you need some motivation or inspiration.

  4. yes! progress. i look forward to seeing you more. xo

  5. progress, keep it moving. i love ya!

  6. Girl! You are the epitome of moxie! And I totally can relate to the need for baby steps. I have to take baby steps just to get out of bed. I have a project right now that I can’t seem to get motivated to do. I’ll take baby steps today to get it started!

