Back-to-school prep means getting your little one(s) ready for a new academic year; buying backbacks, notebooks, and number two pencils. It's a time of excitement, new beginnings, and brand-new shoes.
Take advantage of this fresh start! Reassess your personal or family goals and then plan action steps. You can do it!
For example, here are my goals for the upcoming semester:
1. Continue to exercise 2-5x a week.
2. Carve out designated writing times 2 or more times a week.
And here's my action plan:
1. Check out the yoga and Zumba schedule at my gym and add classes into my Google calendar each week.
2. Schedule at least two weekly sessions of writing time.
3. Invite girlfriends for gym, walking, or writing/work dates.
4. Track my weekly progress in my goal notebook.
My big plan is to head to the gym right after preschool drop off (before I get side-tracked with other to-dos), work out, and then meet a girlfriend in the cafe for a "work" date. By putting these appointments on my calendar, I'm honoring my stated priorities. But I took a second step as well- writing down my goals and putting them on my bathroom mirror. I figured a motivational quote and some glitter couldn't hurt either. Now I have a gentle (and sparkly) reminder of my intentions that I'll see several times a day.
So, Dear Reader, what are your personal or family goals for the next semester? Take a moment to write them down and plan action steps. Put them in your calender, make a sign for extra motivation, and then look ahead for the rewards.
Take Note: A version of this post was previously published on Voices from the Ville.